Experts refer to “risk factors,” which are potential causes of alcoholism. These factors, experts believe, may play a part in the development and maintenance of alcohol abuse disorders. This is evident in the lives of many people who are suffering from alcohol dependence.

Environmental, biological, and psychological risk factors are all possible. Even though these factors don’t guarantee that someone will get an alcohol addiction disorder, it is crucial to understand some of the risk factors and the components that can lead to alcoholism.

1. Family History

Your family history is a major factor in alcoholism. An alcohol abuse disorder is more common in a family member than in a child. Scientists believe that there isn’t a single gene that causes alcoholism. However, it is possible to have several genes. People who have these genes are more likely to drink alcohol if they also experience addiction from social or psychological factors.

It can be both genetic and biological. But it can also happen environmentally. It doesn’t always have to be in your family. Being around loved ones who are often drinkers can cause you to do the same. They may make drinking heavy alcohol seem normal and acceptable so you will feel less guilty about it.

2. Drinking At An Early Age

If you drink before you turn 15, you’re more likely to have a dependency on alcohol. It is possible to get addicted to alcohol if you start young.

You can misuse alcohol at any age but it’s easier to get into alcoholism when you drink young.

Parents must encourage early prevention of alcoholism to prevent it from starting. Parents must teach their children to light drinking from a young age to help them avoid bad habits.

3. Mental Health Disorders

It is possible to be frustrated and have a difficult time with schizophrenia. People with mental illness tend to drink to reduce their symptoms and feel better. Even though alcohol can temporarily reduce anxiety and depression symptoms like depression, excessive drinking can lead ultimately to increased tolerance and eventual alcoholism. Additional to that, alcohol can sometimes worsen mental health symptoms.

People suffering from mental illness may also feel embarrassed about seeking help. Because they fear that people will judge their mental illness, they might turn to alcohol for comfort.

A third of those with a mental health condition also suffer from alcoholism. People who suffer from both a mental and alcohol disorder end up with what’s called coexisting conditions. These side effects can cause severe psychological and physical harm to your body. Licensees need to treat both disorders simultaneously for them to be effectively treated.

4. Stressful Environments

Stress at home or work can lead to people turning to alcohol. High-demand occupations like lawyers, doctors, and construction workers can make it more difficult to stop stress from leading to alcoholism. Studies show that people who are stressed are 1.5 times as likely to binge drink as women as they are men. Recovering from alcoholism could also find stress to be an emotional trigger, and end up relapsing.

Alcoholism is also caused by the inability to manage stress. Avoiding dependence is possible by finding a healthier approach to managing your stress.

Preventing Alcoholism

To understand the causes of alcoholism, it is important to see how people feel about drinking before you make any conclusions. People will drink to alleviate their problems and negative emotions, but this won’t help. Take a healthier path to feel better if you feel down. Meditation, talking to friends, watching a film, walking, or journaling can all help to improve your mood.

It is tempting to drink to mask mental disorders. To find out if the medication can help, it is best to consult a therapist. Therapy can help with your feelings and help you move in a positive direction. It can help with identifying the causes of alcoholism in one’s life.

Do you want to still hang out with your friends who are drinkers, but don’t want to consume? Offer to be the designated driver for the next party.

Some negative life situations are not preventable. These situations are not your fault. You have control over how you react and help is available if you need it.

Great Oaks Recovery Center Offers Treatment For Alcoholism

You don’t need to suffer from alcoholism all by yourself. Great Oaks Recovery Center is staffed with people who understand your struggles. We’ll help to identify the causes of your alcoholism so you can get back on track and live a more healthy life.